
First time in a long while, that Austin( my motor) & I made our way along the country tracks to luncheon at the General Store. Beautiful little spot surrounded by great pine trees, that may well have stood there for over a centuary along the train tracks. What stories they must have to tell. All the departures & arrivals of the townsfolk over many decades.One can imagine the huge hooped skirts of the ladies finely dressed with bonnets perched over their ringlet curls & tied firmly by a bow under their chins. Excitable children running about impatiently awaiting the huge steam engine rolling into the station.

It’s lovely to imagine & reminisce over the lives of those who have come before. Although I’m rather grateful for the change of fashions, where one is no longer required to wear those huge hooped skirts, requiring yards of fabric which must have become quite heavy & cumbersome during the Winter months. One would imagine the skirts taking on a life of their own if they were to get a swing up on a blustery day.

At last, ladies have come to their senses in this decade,replacing impractical skirts & attire for comfort,style & natural movement.Adopted from our male counterparts, are the adorning of culottes for sporting pursuits & trousers for practical daily errands & warmth as we now enter the cooler months of the year. To end the insanity & dullness of the former female existence,hair is no longer grown to the ankles, requiring endless hours of brushing to keep it from becoming entangled & requiring the loss of an entire morning or afternoon to wash & wait for it to dry,eventually. Not to mention the weight of it on one’s neck, once it is piled on top of one’s head & held in place with combs & numerous hair pins. With this new way of life, a woman’s existence is full of so much possibility. The cutting of one’s hair into the new fashionable “bob” style gives so much freedom. Millinery easily adorns the new style, no longer requiring lethal hat pins. The new sleek cloche styles, pure elegance, in their variety of colour, pattern & texture, just like nature itself. Perfect with the soft putt puttering of Austin’s motor engine & the gentleness of the countryside.

Fondest love


” I’ve never seen elegance go out of style ”

Sonya Teclai



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