The Chronicles of Lucy Moon

December 2012

The warmth of today’s greetings once again co-incides with the weather.Another hot summer’s day of 39 degrees celcius!!!

Have motored down to the city this afternoon to take tea with a very much loved elderly  aunt.Despite the heat the journey was quite bearable whilst motoring through the hills.It was overcast,which makes the day almost pleasant without the hot blast of the sun.However,it was quite a different matter once reaching the outskirts of the city.The bright sunshine appeared with it’s fierce penetrating rays.Quite quickly it became all too much for poor Austin(the motor),which like oneself was soon quite overcome with heat.We found the shade of gum trees quite agreeable and rested for a while.Sensibly,one always packs plenty of water for such a journey,especially with the heat.Simply essential in this climate.After suitable refreshment,Austin and I continued on,safely arriving at our destination.

One has been ever so thankful for such lightweight silk under the circumstances.A handkerchief hemline is ever so cooling as one walks and still maintaining the elegance of one’s appearance,especially without the adorning of stockings in such weather.However nothing can be as vital as millinery.It is perfect for keeping one’s demeanour intact,not to mention hair and makeup in an unforgiving climate.It is imperative for arriving without hair and cosmetics sliding off one’s face.Unthinkable!!Thankfully a light silk cloche is splendid for motoring,whilst protecting the eyes,neck and complexion from the enduring heat of the all powerful sun.Simply a must if one intends on staying upright.

Must be getting on or one will be late for tea.

Fondest love


“If you are cold,tea will warm you,if you are too heated,it will cool you,if you are depressed,it will cheer you,if you are excited,it will calm you.”
