The Chronicles of Lucy Moon


January 2013


Summer is in full swing now and it’s another hot day of 44 degrees celsius.The land and it’s inhabitants are on full bake!Everyday is a broadbrimmed millinery day,accompanied with lightweight silk or cotton dresses and shamelessly stocking free.

Whilst motoring with Austin(my dear automobile) the dreaded sight came into view.Smoke and plenty of it rising upward,covering the countryside in haze.As we motored closer to home,the smoke settled above the hills behind our homestead.Now that was cause for considerable alarm!!Radio waves are definitely the answer to the question of what now??Calmly as all ladies should,through all matters of life one absorbed the information.There it was,confirmation one always dreads,a major catastrophic fire burning out of control and one’s life and property under threat.Words no one ever wishes to hear.In such situations there are but two courses of action.Stay and defend or evacuate,which must be done in perfect timing otherwise the first course of action will be the only one left.Of course,it goes without saying-pray!

Now,what does one pack under such circumstances?Almost immediately three faces appear,as if one needs reminding!One very fluffy Princess;Miss Bella,a rather disagreeable feline and the most adorable pug(as all pugs are)Hugo.Before the opportunity quite literally escaped,Princess and Bella were settled in their whicker travelling baskets and Hugo into his harness and lead.Once the essentials have been organised with a picnic basket of refreshments and water for all,the vitals must be collected.Not knowing how long one might be away or if indeed one will have anything to return to,luggage for a long weekend will have to suffice.Calmly but quickly items are gathered.Jewellery,millinery,scent and cosmetics(one must always look their best,even in a crisis),footwear and several changes of apparel.This is where a wardrobe of interchangeable neutrals(which can be accented with colour)are essential.It makes the art of packing a breeze,even under duress.Thankfully,in no time,all are securely accompaning Austin along the country roads to safety,leaving the smoke with it’s ferocious fire far behind.Princess and Bella wailed incessantly spilling their water,while darling Hugo thought it a great adventure and in his mind,was eagerly awaiting his arrival at the beach!Unfortunately for Hugo,the roads towards the beach had been closed due to the fire’s pathway,we would be arriving in half an hour at a delightful shady park with the most beautiful japanese garden.Perfect for one’s frazzled nerves!

Fondest love


“How fair is a garden amid the trials and passions of existence”

Benjamin Disraeli