Chronicles of Lucy Moon


What’s the rumble??You may well ask! It’s the first few days of winter and with the chill comes an air of anticipation and also expectation for this season.While nature herself retreats to a solitude of hibernation our wardrobes may not! Infact,it becomes one’s duty to ensure that each day is adorned and bathed in colour.Dull grey and blandness should be strictly forbidden.Blandness need never take up residence in one’s life and especially not in one’s apparel. It simply is one’s duty to step up and radiate,whilst mother nature retires for a season and gently fades her colours and subdues her textures.

The warmth of bright orange mixed with pimento red;a little wild orchid and hot pink very welcoming and so vibrant.A pop of strawberry,candy pink,watermelon and coral are particular pleasing,also hinting at party time.Petal pink always declares that elegance has arrived.Black and white are routinely invited no matter what the season or occasion.Imagine all this,brushed with gold.It’s just the “bee’s knees”.It shall be no dowdy winter my dears,we simply won’t do drab.Insist on a swell season!

Fondest love


“One kind word can warm three winter months”

Author unknown