The Chronicles of Lucy Moon


Ballyhoo! One can feel, almost taste the excitement in the air. Spring is almost upon us. Wonderful Spring! Can barely contain oneself. The anticipation of it all. It will be a hoot. The colours of the season never disappoint. At this time of year, one could do with a little shade of Wild Orchid. A good strong Pimento Red never goes astray either. At the beginning of the season it triumphs and then continues on strong right through the entire season. It’s a colour that never tires.

Once Spring warmth and sunshine are underway, the elegance of Petal Pink and Rosewater are unsurpassed. Candy Pink of course serves as a splendid bridge between elegance and the vibrant strength of L’amour and Hot Pink. Quite fitting too. The quandary of course is where does one place the shade of Strawberry? Is it a red or a pink? Whilst we ponder such matters, Watermelon is another one of those shades however pleasing, that we may ask the same question. However a bold Orange leaves no doubt. Always a fun colour. Coral, always so refined.

Spring’s colours are fabulous of course when accompanied by a good Champagne and a light dusting of Gold. At this time of year, it is precisely what one requires.

Fondest Love,


“She found colour in the Everyday”

Author Unknown