The Chronicles Of Lucy Moon


“May peace,love and joy have their way with you today.” What a wonderful morning coffee blessing to both give and receive. How apt on this Spring day. My favourite season,when Spring rejuvenates the earth with its warmth,colour and beauty.A season of new beginnings for both nature and oneself. The air is filled with anticipation. Colour is given centre stage and enhances one’s mood.New energy fills the air with possibility.Today is the perfect day to start living one’s dreams.Are we ready to see our own lives in new and exciting ways? Every day of one’s life indeed,is a special occasion.What to do? What to be?  Such choices.Anything one dreamed,one could be. Endless possibilities. Spring is the perfect season in which to take the lead and be all that we dream. After all,the dream is always the beginning of any birthing process. Which hat to wear today? Not just any hat but rather which millinery confection should one adorn themselves with today? Why limit ourselves to just one? Perhaps one should delight each day with the adorning of many millinery confections. Our sisterhood is renowned for the successful adornment of many hats,worn with great flair.

Fondest love



“Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink”  (Lilly Pulitzer)



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