The Chronicles of Lucy Moon


To be in one’s element is to attend the Melbourne Cup Carnival race week. At least it is this darling’s annual highlight. Always a hoot!The combination of Millinery Art; the most stunning roses with their heady scent; refined couture, gracious gentlemen; the excitement and energy of fine horses; and I do believe a glass or two of champagne. Always welcome but not too much,as true elegance is a way of life.

Not only is there a week of millinery celebration but an entire season of creative millinery extravaganza. It’s too thrilling! The genius and brilliance of millinery minds come together to showcase what appears as a sea of colour amidst a theatre of glamour. The cherry on top is that one can indulge in all the millinery confections one pleases and never expand one’s waistline. If one chooses,a little height may be added and tremendous joy, however one’s figure is always enhanced.

Fondest love



“Do what makes you happy, be with those who make you smile and laugh as much as you breathe.”

Author unknown

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