The Chronicles of Lucy Moon


As unbelievable as it is, the year is almost over. Time for contemplation over what was,will have to wait,as there is a party to be planned. A New Year is upon us,but first we must farewell this past year with one final “hurrah”!

Invites must be sent to friends,family & acquaitances to share in the merriment. Jazz music to fill the air is a must after all, a good jig & jive followed with the Charleston is quite in order after the indulgence of Christmas pudding & brandy sauce during the past week. One must keep a healthy figure & glow about one’s person. A good stock of streamers,noisemakers & sparklers will be required for the main event. Not to mention champagne- finest quality of course. A buffet supper will suffice for those who can still manage to eat. Most like minded flappers will be on grapefruit & water following the rich foods of Christmas celebrations. However, the male species both young & young at heart appear to have an insatiable appetite that knows no restraint.

What to wear? One feels a need for sparkle on such an occasion. Metalics always spring to mind. Of course, a lady is never dressed without ornamentation. Accessories are mandatory at parties as well as being complimentary. A hair comb or headband of sparkle is quite proper & fun for an evening of celebration.

So dear friends, put on your party frocks & see out the year with a final razzle dazzle. Enjoy!

with fondest love



“Celebrate the birth of a New Year”

Mary Engelbreit

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