The Chronicles of Lucy Moon


The distinctive “clip clop” from the shoes of elegant fillies floats through the air as their hips rythmically sway from side to side. Such is the life of refined equines and their female riding companions, resplendent in their tailored suit jackets, leather gloves and long boots. However the “shining jewel” is indeed on the crown. Tall top hats trimmed with multiple swathes of light veil which of course has the practical application of keeping the bugs out when worn over the face,there by allowing an air of mystery about the rider,without being so alarming as to “spook” the horses. There would be nothing more terrifying for both horse and rider as fast moving shadows bouncing all around from masses of feathers. One’s mount may take fright and spirit away at high speed across paddocks,over fences,through fields of crops and only halting when confronted with an impassable stone wall, over which the rider along with the frightening shadows fly.

Well at least one of the fillies has learnt how to successfully escape scary things and to live another day, whilst the second filly would be educated on the appropriateness of one’s attire.And so the elegance of the top hat with veil remains timeless.


Fondest love,


“Adornment,what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what Elegance!”

Coco Chanel


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