The Chronicles of Lucy Moon


Hurrah! Sunshine at last. The rains have stopped momentarily for the sun to peek through the clouds and tease us with a little warmth.Splendid.

Busy days ahead.The potager garden requires much attention.The Winter winds have brought such destruction,it will take all season to master it’s previous serenity.

From prior  forays into the garden,one has learnt that a broad brimmed hat is essential during mid Spring,Summer and Autumn.The hot sun can play havoc with oneself.A case of sunburn makes one so ill.It is not fitting for a lady to wear the Australian landscape across her face.Not fitting at all!One should never glance in the mirror and view a reflection of the red dry,deep cracked,drought stricken creek bed upon one’s face.As far back as the 17th centuary,ladies have worn the broadest brimmed straw hats,kept firmly in place with long ribbons,whilst harvesting lavender flowers.Such elegance.

Now all we require is for wind and rain to decline a little more,so as to enjoy long sunny days with gentle warmth and sweet scented air.


Fondest love



“May the sun bring you new energy by day,may the moon softly restore you by night,may the rain wash away your worries,may the breeze blow new strength into your being,may you walk gently through the world and know it’s beauty all the days of your life.”

Apache Blessing