The Chronicles of Lucy Moon

December 2012


A beautiful warm sunny day,again today. Oh what a blessing!

Brimmed hats are simply a must in summer,quite the thing!Spent a few enjoyable hours with the horses and they quite enjoyed my company too.One can work up quite a lather while grooming horses,so I prefer to wear a lightweight fabric hat,beautifully embroidered with flowers as it’s adornment.It’s far less tempting for the horses,which are quite inclined to chew a straw hat and nibble on a trimming of exquisite handmade roses.Who could blame them really? Beautiful millinery always looks good enough to eat!Simply divine.

Such a treat to be in harmony with nature.So peaceful under the cool shade of towering gum trees.The mares close their eyes,relaxing with each brush stroke,admidst the cheerful chatter of nearby birds in the trees. Aaah the serenity!

Fondest love


“All the small things you do everyday add up to something pretty significant”

Author unknown