The Chronicles of Lucy Moon

January 2013


Quite a pleasing summer’s day at last!Makes one feel sprightly rather than a deflated balloon.

Enjoyed the most wonderful luncheon yesterday with the most delightful ‘gal-pals”.It was another gorgeous sunny temperate day.Just beautiful for luncheon out of doors under huge shade umbrellas,surrounded with the greenest of lawns,which at this time of year is a major miracle in itself.The gardener must have been quite a slave to it,having cultivated various delightful plants with their white blooms looking regal and elegant,providing the most heavenly scent.

Seated alongside the vineyards we thoroughly enjoyed the most exquisite luncheon of duck with perfected crispiness,accompanied by vegetables and with garnishes highlighting the artistic flair of a clearly brilliant chef.The afternoon air filled with hilarity and good humour over glasses of chilled moscato.It makes one “high on life”.A grounding of great coffee before heartfelt hugs and the return to the realities of the rest of the day.The freshest of great local produce and beverages,the most soothing and peaceful of locations with gracious humanity and joy.What a blessing life is able to be.The elegance of ladies dressing well accompanied with beautiful classic millinery and accessories is the “cherry on top”.

Fondest love


“Where your pleasure is,there is your treasure.Where your treasure,there your heart;where your heart,there your happiness”
